Genesis 17:1–3
“When Abram was 99 years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, ‘I am God almighty, walk before me and be blameless that I may make my covenant between me and you and may multiply you greatly.’ Then Abram fell on his face.”

Whenever God appeared to the patriarchs, He identified Himself in a specific way. The appearance of El Shaddai, the Almighty God, is significant because we all need to have an encounter with Him. Whenever God introduces Himself by a specific name, it is because He is going to have to reveal Himself according to the attributes described in that name in order to accomplish His stated purpose in that encounter. ⁣

This is also significant because God never appears to any of us to just sit down and chit-chat. He is a God of purpose and prosperity. He is a God of accomplishment who shows mercy to His children. He sees our need for Him even though we may be unaware of that need ourselves, and He appears in the form of power that we will need to know Him in order that He might fulfill that need. He is a performer.⁣

In order to experience the blessings of God’s covenant, Abram was called into communion with God.

In the same way, God gives us commands not for our bad. He never commands us for our bad. He always commands us for our good that being blameless, free from sin, walking before God in holiness this is good. “That,” verse two, “I may make my covenant between me and you and may multiply you greatly.” See, God has desire to bless Abram.

Finding life’s purpose gives ones life a meaning. It can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals and offer a sense of direction. We cannot discover true purpose outside of God. The true purpose of any creation is found in the mind of its creator.

We make decisions and go in that direction. At certain junctions along the way, plans change. It’s his hand perfecting that which concerns us.

When we are off track, or see we need a change, he changes something; life then takes on the shape he intended. It’s called his Expected End. It’s how he has designed for it to turn out. Let us make sure we acknowledge him along the way.

Hence, our destiny is not in the hands of anyone, it’s in our hands, and what we choose to do or not do, the action we choose to take or not take, determines how it ends. We are a product of our choices, we are a product of our actions, but we can change the outcome of our life by changing what we choose and how we act.

What’s the vision for your life? Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? Gain clarity on our life’s direction and align our choices and actions to what we want to make of our life.

Thank you Lord for going before us, making our crooked paths straight and showing us your hand.